Reduce file size powerpoint 2013
Reduce file size powerpoint 2013

By selecting the Delete cropped areas of pictures you are removing these cropped out areas of your photos to decrease their size, you are not able to reset your image back to its original. Typically, PowerPoint keeps the cropped-out areas of your photo so that you can always reset the image back to its original. If you leave the selected, it will dramatically decrease the size of any images you cropped areas out of by removing them. To minimize the file increase, embed only those characters used in the presentation. However, embedded fonts will increase your file size. To make your presentation more sharable with others who don't have the same fonts in their system, it's typical to embed the fonts you use. If you know that you want all of the pictures in your presentation compressed to a specific resolution, you can choose to unselect this option.ĭelete cropped areas of pictures: this option removes any cropped areas in your pictures as part of the compression process. Reduce the character set of embedded fonts. If you do not get the Format Chart Area option in the contextual. From the resultant context menu, select the Format Chart Area option, highlighted in red within Figure 1. Now, carefully right-click the Chart Area. If you dont have an existing chart, insert a new chart in your slide. Dalam banyak kasus, saya tertanggu dengan batas ukuran lampiran email saya saat mengirim presentasi PowerPoint ke.

reduce file size powerpoint 2013

Saat menambahkan lebih banyak video, gambar, audio, dan slide, ukuran file akan meningkat juga. Apply only to this picture: this option determines whether the resolution you pick in the next step, is applied to just the current picture you have selected, or all the pictures within your presentation.īecause different pictures require different compression resolutions, I recommend keeping the Apply only to this picture option selected and working your way through the images in your presentation one by one. Select the chart that you want to format the Chart Area for. Bagaimana Mengurangi Ukuran File PowerPoint (PPT) Presentasi PowerPoint dapat dengan mudah meningkat dalam ukuran dari waktu ke waktu.

Reduce file size powerpoint 2013